'Twas the night before Christmas and all through my house
Not a creature was stirring, not Melissa nor mouse (we do live in NYC after all).
Our suitcases were packed by the door with care
As we knew within hours we would be in the air.
The hood + scarves were nestled, all snug in their boxes
Ready to travel and adorn a slew of Kansas City foxes.
With Melissa in her button down and I in my collar + tie
We knew in a matter of hours to our family we'd fly.
When out on the fire escape there arose such a clatter
I sprang from our third floor walk-up to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Unlocked the bars and looked past the street trash.
The moon on the breast of the New York streets below
Reminded me of something in 2012 I have come to know.
When you wish and you work and hold those who support you so dear
Your wildest dreams will start to appear.
With a little old cab driver so lively and quick
I knew in a moment his meter would tick.
More rapid than eagles, his horn started beeping
So I called to Melissa, "We are late, grab the *bleeping…*"
Down three flights we rushed - hats and coats in a flurry
Knowing our cab would be gone if we didn't hurry.
Then it dawned on me - I knew what I had forgotten to do
Thank those who have supported me - in short - thank YOU.
Now Annie! Now Linda! Now Oiram and Donna!
On Michelle! On Andrea! On Trish and Anna!
To the top of Facebook! To the top of Twitter!
How I wish I could sprinkle you all with glitter!
Now Rafael! Now Joao! Now Jo-Anne and Amy!
On Wayne! On Monique! On Nancy and Jamie!
Your comments on Instagram! Your endless sweet posts!
Your incredible support has meant the most!
Then I said to Melissa, "But there are thousands more…"
And she smiled as she politely scooted me out the door.
"Honey," she said, "Your fans…they will know…"
Now gather those packages, it's time to GO!"
We sprang in the cab and to the cabbie said "JFK!"
And waved at our apartment as we drove away.
And as Melissa and I finally settled into the backseat -
We looked at each other exclaiming, "Can 2012 be beat?"
Happiest Holidays to You and Yours and may 2013 be full of surprises for us all!
With love,
Kara (and Melissa, too)
Not a creature was stirring, not Melissa nor mouse (we do live in NYC after all).
Our suitcases were packed by the door with care
As we knew within hours we would be in the air.
The hood + scarves were nestled, all snug in their boxes
Ready to travel and adorn a slew of Kansas City foxes.
With Melissa in her button down and I in my collar + tie
We knew in a matter of hours to our family we'd fly.
When out on the fire escape there arose such a clatter
I sprang from our third floor walk-up to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Unlocked the bars and looked past the street trash.
The moon on the breast of the New York streets below
Reminded me of something in 2012 I have come to know.
When you wish and you work and hold those who support you so dear
Your wildest dreams will start to appear.
With a little old cab driver so lively and quick
I knew in a moment his meter would tick.
More rapid than eagles, his horn started beeping
So I called to Melissa, "We are late, grab the *bleeping…*"
Down three flights we rushed - hats and coats in a flurry
Knowing our cab would be gone if we didn't hurry.
Then it dawned on me - I knew what I had forgotten to do
Thank those who have supported me - in short - thank YOU.
Now Annie! Now Linda! Now Oiram and Donna!
On Michelle! On Andrea! On Trish and Anna!
To the top of Facebook! To the top of Twitter!
How I wish I could sprinkle you all with glitter!
Now Rafael! Now Joao! Now Jo-Anne and Amy!
On Wayne! On Monique! On Nancy and Jamie!
Your comments on Instagram! Your endless sweet posts!
Your incredible support has meant the most!
Then I said to Melissa, "But there are thousands more…"
And she smiled as she politely scooted me out the door.
"Honey," she said, "Your fans…they will know…"
Now gather those packages, it's time to GO!"
We sprang in the cab and to the cabbie said "JFK!"
And waved at our apartment as we drove away.
And as Melissa and I finally settled into the backseat -
We looked at each other exclaiming, "Can 2012 be beat?"
Happiest Holidays to You and Yours and may 2013 be full of surprises for us all!
With love,
Kara (and Melissa, too)